Read El Goonish Shive teenage coming of age, physics, science, bizarre, romance, webcomic

El Goonish Shive webcomic

El Goonish Shive created entirely by Dan Shive is often categorized as bizarre with science-fantasy. These story qualities are realized especially when the teenage cast is known to break the laws of physics.

El Goonish Shive has tolerance-related issues that seem to make it an LGBTQ-friendly read, including sexual orientations such as homosexuality and bisexuality, non-traditional gender roles, and lifestyle choices. As the cast is primarily made up of teenagers, they do obsess over relationships as teenagers do, but take time away from that to immerse themselves into dealings with magic, alien technology, parallel dimensions, "superscience," and immortal beings plotting drastic changes to the world.

El Goonish Shive has its own wiki, Shiveapedia, which contains the definitive timeline of the comic, plus full arc summaries and character bios. The comic is broken down into a number of storylines, which are usually part of a long, continuous plot. Most storylines are short and follow only a few characters, but some are multi-part arcs in which the whole lead cast is involved. As a bonus to El Goonish Shive Fans, the Twitter feed is included below.


El Goonish Shive Twitter feed








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Read El Goonish Shive teenage coming of age, physics, science, bizarre, romance, webcomic


Latest El Goonish Shive comics and news

  1. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I looked into a lot of ways people draw cow horns on people, ways fantasy peasants and adventurers are drawn, cow girl outfits, etc, when deciding how this sort-of version of Guy would look.

    The sleeves


  2. New comic!

    Today's News:

    No one calculate the statistical probability of these specific characters playing against each other!

    Not that you can, because I haven't said how many people are playing! HA!

    But please don't


  3. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Part 6 will begin Wednesday, May 1st.

    - Justin previously yelling at people before a tournament


  4. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I mean, you did, Hope, but not for the reason you think.

    Enchantment Vs Default

    As a bit of a refresher, a "default form" is someone's form when they're not enchanted at all, meaning they'll


  5. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Seriously, the nerve of Tedd.

    What's next? Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for her, and cutting them into triangles?




  6. New comic!

    Today's News:

    In case you were one of those people who, whenever Tedd wasn't on panel, were asking "where's Tedd?", that's where. Tedd was deliberately avoiding social interaction for a bit.

    Had I infinite time, energy,


  7. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Susan is amused, and how DARE you, Grace. For shame.

    Also, I'm really looking forward to Monday.


    - Thursday EGSNP

  8. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Grace talking about Jay's "pony hair" even before then

    Everyone knows you, Jay.

    Except for the people who don't.

    I hope that narrows


  9. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Jay actually meeting Sam (as "Smoke")

    Firstly, thank you all for your patience and words of support during the recent tech-caused delay.



  10. New comic!

    Today's News:

    If Grace had a tail, it would be wagging.

    I mean, if she had a tail RIGHT NOW. She does actually have a tail. Several, in fact. But not all the time.

    Though what she doesn't have is a dog tail. Not


  11. New comic!

    Today's News:

    For anyone still wondering, Grace heard "Jack," thought Jay might be a trans woman, and was very worried that Susan had accidentally shared very personal information.

    Which was a natural interpretation for


  12. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I'm putting the Tuesday EGSNP note up here, because hey, EGSNP's back!

    And now this page's actual commentary


  13. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Friendly troll Justin is best Justin.

    Susan's not a regular player of this game, and is playing it for reasons other than the game itself. Because of that, I knew from the beginning that she would not be the


  14. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Whenever Sarah's not on-panel, people should be asking, "where's Sarah?"

    - "I want to hang out more" (Susan to Sarah, "Our Future")


  15. New comic!

    Today's News:

    That moment when you just want to see your best friend, and suddenly your great-great-great-great-great-great-(I'm not sure how many greats)-granddaughter
