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  1. I Hope No One Has Done This Yet submitted by
  2. Forget the doge days of yore, folks. The future of meme coins is fierce, and it answers to the name WWF Coin ($WWF).

    Tired of repetitive doggo puns and endless pump-and-dumps? You're not alone. We, the crypto collective, crave something with more...well, bite. Enter WWF Coin, the meme coin with ATTITUDE that doesn't just bark, it ROARS with potential.

  3. 20F - What do you rate me! First time posting :) submitted by
  4. Freya Allan submitted by
  5. Demo gal submitted by /u/abbadoomguy69 to
  6. Ketchup hack submitted by
  7. [NS] Common Massive Murph L
  8. Mice hate this one simple trick
  9. Taylor Swift so beautiful submitted by