Origami is the art of paper folding which had beginnings (in Japan at least) from the 1600s. People interested in the origami craft want to know about easy origami folding techniques and now VR technology can be used to aid this.

This paper folding practitioners wants to learn techniques to create origami favorites such as the origami crane, origami flower, origami boxes, origami butterflies, and especially easy origami folding for kids. A small number of basic origami folds can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs. The best-known origami model is the Japanese paper crane.

In the strict tradition of origami creation, origami practitioners generally discourage the use of cuts, glue, or markings on the paper. Origami folders often use the Japanese term kirigami to refer to this variation of origami. In origami technique, It is common to fold using a flat surface, but some folders like doing it in the air with no tools, especially when displaying the folding. Virtual origami will enable you to simulate this feat.

Origami Simulator, an Experiments with Google project by Amanda Ghassaei, allows you to simulate how any origami crease pattern will fold in 3D, though it certainly will appear different from what is typical of actual origami paper folding.

The VR program goes about computing and working through the manifold sequences, folding every crease simultaneously. The app also supports an immersive VR mode using Web VR on the Vive and Oculus, where you can interact with the folding origami directly and visualize its internal strain. More about the process used can be found on the inventor's website.


VR Origami Simulator 



Origami Simulator walkthrough video shows how the origami crease pattern will fold in 3D


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Create origami paper folding with Origami Simulator