Read El Goonish Shive teenage coming of age, physics, science, bizarre, romance, webcomic

El Goonish Shive webcomic

El Goonish Shive created entirely by Dan Shive is often categorized as bizarre with science-fantasy. These story qualities are realized especially when the teenage cast is known to break the laws of physics.

El Goonish Shive has tolerance-related issues that seem to make it an LGBTQ-friendly read, including sexual orientations such as homosexuality and bisexuality, non-traditional gender roles, and lifestyle choices. As the cast is primarily made up of teenagers, they do obsess over relationships as teenagers do, but take time away from that to immerse themselves into dealings with magic, alien technology, parallel dimensions, "superscience," and immortal beings plotting drastic changes to the world.

El Goonish Shive has its own wiki, Shiveapedia, which contains the definitive timeline of the comic, plus full arc summaries and character bios. The comic is broken down into a number of storylines, which are usually part of a long, continuous plot. Most storylines are short and follow only a few characters, but some are multi-part arcs in which the whole lead cast is involved. As a bonus to El Goonish Shive Fans, the Twitter feed is included below.


El Goonish Shive Twitter feed








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Read El Goonish Shive teenage coming of age, physics, science, bizarre, romance, webcomic


Latest El Goonish Shive comics and news

  1. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Mask discussion

    I thought way too much about what to have going on before Susan finished her games against Rich given that the correct answer was


  2. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Sam avoiding tournaments for a while to reduce odds of people noticing he's literally transformed, with particular concern about George (from The Secret


  3. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I want certain characters to play against certain other characters each round, and I'm also trying to have who-plays-who make sense in-universe. This means some of the results are at the mercy of what's necessary


  4. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Boot to the fire guy

    I was VERY undecided on how Jay would react to playing against Sarah, FRIEND OF SUSAN!, but ultimately, the answer was simple:


  5. New comic!

    Today's News:

    The next page will be next Wednesday for a couple of reasons, one of which is writing related (I'll likely have commentary about it later), but the other is simply that I'm running a bit behind, and have been


  6. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Magic fish horn combo

    - Masks

    Tensaided's not a stranger to Tedd by this point, and an


  7. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Previously expressed guilt over giving AJ the spell

    Guy: "I'm having fun playing card games with friends!"



  8. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Finalizing the script for this was very difficult for me due to just how much I wanted to cover on one page, and the fact that this is Tedd.

    Put another way? This is abridged, and a lot of what's


  9. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Tedd just needed the right context.

    And yes, Tedd is immediately sad he has no way of documenting this.

    The majority of magic in EGS is very egocentric, by which I mean someone's personality had


  10. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Sarah spell radar (from Sister 3, Part 5)

    The answer is yes.

    The visuals are, however, one hundred percent unnecessary for acquiring


  11. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Cow deck vision for comparison

    I hadn't originally written getting into exactly why Tedd hadn't thought of that already, but when I got to making the


  12. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Elliot vision spell

    Tedd has gained access to the single most powerful ability in fiction: The ability to have a flashback that excuses whatever


  13. New comic!

    Today's News:

    - Some panels from here...

    - And some from here (next page)

    Panel five has old dialogue


  14. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I looked up the archetypical Comedy and Tragedy masks as the basis for that Jester mask, and my goodness do I find them creepy. "Comedy" looks downright sinister on a lot of the detailed masks I saw.

    We're in


  15. New comic!

    Today's News:

    My apologies if panel three awakens anything in anyone.

    I, too, have a metaphorical on-camera mode. YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME?! Well, the ACTUAL me wouldn't raise their voice like that unless actually really
