Read Animal Crackers humor comic strip webcomic

Animal Crackers comic strip

Inside the Freeborn Wildlife Preserve, the charismatic animals of the Animal Crackers comic strip offer its readers light-hearted humor while dealing with various comical situations of an anthropomorphic nature. With a history of newspaper syndication dating back to 1936 with The San Francisco Chronicle, the series also enjoys syndication over the web through GoComics. Central characters of the strip include Lana - a smart, attractive, strong-minded lioness; Gnu - a lazy, unfocused wildebeest; Eugene - an attention-craving elephant; Dodo - a short-tempered dodo bird; Lyle - a lion, passive and insecure. This strip was adapted into a Canadian animated television series in 1997.








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Read Animal Crackers humor comic strip webcomic


Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun
Animal Crackers