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  1. During a recent appearance on the "Life In The Stocks" podcast, HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale spoke about her decision to relocate to Nashville, Tennessee after spending most of her living in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. Asked if Nashville is truly the music Mecca of America right now, Lzzy said (as tra...

  2. MR. BIG — Eric Martin (lead vocals), Paul Gilbert (guitar, vocals), Billy Sheehan (bass, vocals), Nick D'Virgilio (drums, vocals) — will release its last-ever live album, "The BIG Finish Live", on September 6 via the Evolution Music Group. "The BIG Finish Live" is a brand-new live album and concert...

  3. Professionally filmed video of METALLICA performing the song "Fuel" on July 5 at PGE Narodowy in Warsaw, Poland during the 2024 leg of the band's "M72" tour can be seen below. In support of METALLICA's latest album, "72 Seasons", the band has been playing two-night, no-repeat shows in each city— fir...

  4. French progressive metallers GOJIRA performed at today's (Friday, July 26) Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, making them the first metal band to ever play at the Olympic Games. GOJIRA's morbid production paid bloody tribute to a historically famous dead lady, Marie Antoinette. Vulture described...

  5. Texas thrashers POWER TRIP recently returned to the live stage for their first full performances since the tragic passing of frontman Riley Gale. POWER TRIP's longtime friend and collaborator Seth Gilmore has stepped in for Gale to handle vocals for the band. Gilmore is embedded in Texas's hardcore...

  6. During an appearance on Thursday's (July 25) episode of SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk", Joe Satriani spoke about his participation in Sammy Hagar's summer 2024 tour, which kicked off on July 13 at the 20,000-capacity iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, Florida. For "The Bes...

  7. A persistent, maverick menace amid a crowded black metal marketplace, WORMWITCH have been one of the most convincingly grim and violent bands of the last decade. All three of the Canadian band's albums to date ("Strike Mortal Soil", "Heaven that Dwells Within" and "Wolf Hex") deserved more attention...

  8. Professionally filmed video of QUEEN guitarist Brian May joining forces with THE OFFSPRING for a performance of "Gone Away" and a cover of QUEEN's "Stone Cold Crazy" can be seen below. The unique collaboration was held on Day 3 (May 15) of the Starmus VII festival at the Tipos Arena in Bratislava, S...

  9. Ozzy Osbourne and Billy Morrison — the longtime rhythm guitarist in Billy Idol's band and former bassist for THE CULT — have released the latest episode of their new Internet TV show, "The Madhouse Chronicles". Episode description: "Join Ozzy Osbourne and Billy Morrison in this episode of 'The...

  10. Tony Iommi and Xerjoff launch the second chapter of the Xerjoff Blends venture, with the release of Deified, the brand new perfume, accompanied by a new track of the same name written by Tony Iommi together with a mind-blowing music video, directed by Donato Sansone. Xerjoff's founder and CEO Sergio...

  11. Michael Poulsen, frontman for the multi-platinum Danish band VOLBEAT, has been a longtime Stetson fan — and now he's put his own stamp on the U.S.-born brand's signature aesthetic. The resulting limited-edition collaboration is available in Stetson stores and selected retailers in Europe and online...

  12. In a new interview with Metal Hammer magazine, SEPULTURA guitarist Andreas Kisser and vocalist Derrick Green were asked about their plans for after the completion of the band's ongoing 40th-anniversary "farewell" tour. Andreas said: "I don't know, and it feels great. I want to study acoustic guitar,...

  13. QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE have canceled all August 2024 concerts of the band's European tour in order for frontman Josh Homme to receive "continued medical care" following his recent "emergency surgery". The band states: "Due to continued medical care, it is under doctors' orders that Josh Homme remai...

  14. SYSTEM OF A DOWN frontman Serj Tankian has released the official music video for his new solo single "Justice Will Shine On". The track is taken from Tankian's upcoming solo EP, "Foundations", which is due on September 27 via Gibson Records. The 56-year-old Lebanese-born Armenian-American musician a...

  15. Cory Marks will release his second full-length album, "Sorry For Nothing", on October 11 via Better Noise Music. The LP offers an unapologetic double-barreled blast of 13 songs, equally divided between Marks's breakthrough blend of arena-rock and roots country alongside kindred spirits such as Eric...