Read Awkward Zombie, video game themed comedy webcomics

Awkward Zombie webcomics

Awkward Zombie, a video game themed webcomic by Katie Tiedrich. It often makes reference to video game culture thus sometimes requiring a bit of video game literacy. The comic is non-sequential, with no main characters or plotlines, and can be read out of order. There are gag-a-day parodies of ridiculous situations that could occur in video game worlds such as The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, World of Warcraft, Red Dead Redemption, the Metal Gear series, and others, but some include the author herself as a character. Generally, except for limited strips, the title does not suggest a persistent pattern of recurring zombie lore.







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Read Awkward Zombie, video game themed comedy webcomics


Latest Awkward Zombie comics and news

  1. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Ha! Ha! It's a good thing this has never happened any time anyone has ever attempted to provide a monetary reward for rounding up invasive species.

  2. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Just put some moose antlers on the oil derricks, the kids will love them.

  3. New comic!

    Today's News:

    The puzzles are part of the mystery.

  4. New comic!

    Today's News:

    What's he going to do, say no to the Divine Dragon?

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a dogsled team to train.

  5. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Addison is in it for the love of the game.

  6. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Poison is a very trendy ingredient these days, actually. Maybe your tastes just aren't refined enough.

  7. New comic!

    Today's News:

    The true reason there are so many random loose items all over the Somniel floor is because Emblem Marth got bored and started knocking things out of people's hands for fun.

  8. New comic!

    Today's News:

    It occurs to me that I didn't actually draw any Pokemon in this Pokemon comic, so it may not be clear that it's about Pokemon. Make no mistake: the Pokemon are all standing just out of frame.

  9. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Okay, sure, we've retconned it so that there were actually a bunch of other people on PNF-404 at the time, but Olimar didn't know that.

  10. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Sigurd, please, alternate sprites are expensive.

  11. New comic!

    Today's News:

    This comic was written by Omnithea. It is about engineering solutions.

  12. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Maybe Otto just really likes swimming, and this is why he has made the choices that led to this. Maybe designing and building farmsteads shouldn't be an "overnight, in a food-driven mania" kind of


  13. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I get it. It can be hard to make friends as an adult.

  14. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Half the sassy teens in my army are going into battle wearing shorts -- armor is clearly more of a fashion statement than a functional necessity.

  15. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Maybe instead of a restaurant we can just sell admission to see the world's most well-fed shark.

  16. New comic!

    Today's News:

    It's fine.

  17. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Little-known fact: Vander has spent the last several decades of service getting really good at whittling.

  18. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Honestly I'm just thankful that the cat food my cats will eat is just at the other grocery store and not at the bottom of the sea.

  19. New comic!

    Today's News:

    I feel great, anyway.

  20. New comic!

    Today's News:

    Yunobo is helping.